See Also
In the ebook version of The Eight Crafts of Writing, all items under See Also link to external resources. If you bought a print version, you can find all the links below, in the order of appearance in the book.
This is the See-Also list of the latest version of The Eight Crafts of Writing. Depending on your book version, chapter numbers, chapter titles, and links may vary.
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The Links
3. The Difference Between Creativity and Craft
The TED talk Your Elusive Creative Genius by Elizabeth Gilbert
5. Reader Investment and Engagement
- The article The Power of Narrative
- The resource Printable Eight Crafts and Engagers Picture
- The article The Eight Crafts and Eight Engagers
7. Janus, the God With Two Faces
8. The Way We Respond to Life and Stories
9. The Eight Crafts Story Psychology
- The TED talk The Quest to Understand Consciousness by Antonio Damasio
- The video Writing For Emotional Impact — An Interview with Karl Iglesias
11. Big Idea Types
The video The Truth of Your Story by Robert McKee
12. The Story Promise
- The video How to Define Your Story in One Sentence by Robert McKee
- The article Story Promise Method Comparison
13. Narrative Basics
The article Narrative Tropes by TVtropes
14. Narrative Styles and Genres
The resource The Eight Crafts Genre Picture
17. The Technicalities of Point of View
- The book Deep Point of View by Marcy Kennedy
- The video Past or Present Tense? by Brandon Sanderson
- The book Point of View in Fiction by Norman Friedman
21. Non-linear and Parallel Narrative
- The article Flashbacks and Chronology Tropes
- The video How to Tell Non-linear Stories by R. McKee
22. Genre Basics
The book Tribes by Seth Godin
23. Genre Proper
The book Story by Robert McKee
28. How to Find New Genres
The article TV Tropes Genre Mashup Examples by TVtropes
29. Genre Conventions
- The article Genre Conventions and Obligatory Scenes by Storygrid
- The article Genre Tropes by TVtropes
31. Story Outline Basics
- The video Constraints are the Foundation of Creativity by TedEd
- The Wikipedia article The Hero’s Journey
- The book The Virgin’s Promise
32. Why Stories Can’t Have Enough Adversity
- The article The Villain Drives the Story by Steven Pressfield
- The article Stories Need Great Villains by Storygrid
34. The Story Cycle: The Origin of Story Outline
The video Rules for the Inciting Incident by Robert McKee
36. The Story Engine
- The video Tips for Analyzing Stories by Robert McKee
- The article Different Story Engine Approaches
37. Nanomine – A Story Engine Experiment
The resource High Resolution Printable Story Engine
40. The Eight Crafts Scene Outline of Act 1
The Wikipedia article The Hero’s Journey
42. The Eight Crafts Midpoint Scene Outline
The article A List of Character Flaws by TVtropes
45. How to Add Genre Conventions to Your Scene Outline
- The article Conventions and Obligatory Moments for Genre by Storygrid
- The book Conventions and Obligatory Moments by Kimberly Kessler and Leslie Watts
- The article Genre Tropes by TVtropes
46. Scene Types and Nests and How to Use Them
The video How to Nest Short Stories by Mary Robinette Kowal
48. The Internal Story Engine
- The resource The Eight Crafts Internal Story Engine Mind Map
- The video Changing Character’s Desires by R. McKee
51. Plots and How to Use Them
- The book Point of View in Fiction by Norman Friedman
- The article Friedman’s Story Plots by Changing Minds
- The article TV Trope Plots by TVtropes
56. How to Weave Empathy
The video How Writers Can Generate Empathy for their Characters by Robert McKee
59. The Antagonist, Antipathy, and Villainy
The article Stories Without Personal Antagonists by TVtropes
61. An Overview of Story Character Types
- The article A List of Trope Characters by TVtropes
- The article Characters With Trope Roles by TVtropes
64. The Twenty-Two Character Templates
- The book Sun Signs by Linda Goodman
- The article A Gigantic List of Character Descriptions by Bookfox
- The video Character Creation Exercises by Robert McKee
65. How to Engineer Story Characters
- The resource Eight Crafts Characterization Sheet
- The book Getting Into Character by Brandilyn Collins
70. World Context
The video World Building Part One by Brandon Sanderson
75. HOW TO MANAGE Exposition
The video What Makes the World of a Story Believable by Robert McKee
77. Scene Elements
- The article A Comparison of Different Scene Structure Methodologies by Eight Crafts
- The book Techniques of the Selling Writer by Dwight V. Swain
- The video How to Write a Short Story by Kurt Vonnegut
78. antagonistic and protagonistic Scenes
- The video Scene Meditation by Eight Crafts. Meditation synchronizes the two brain hemispheres. The video shows how to write scenes in the stream of consciousness and — at the same time — keep scene structure in mind.
79. Scene Building Blocks
The course Writing Body Language and Dialogue Cues Like a Psychologist by Margie Lawson
85. Vocabulary, Choice of Words, & Diction
- The book Make Every Word Count by Gary Provost
- The article Language Tropes by TVtropes
- The article The article Accent Tropes by TVtropes
- The Website Online Etymology Dictionary
86. How to Come Up With Fresh Expressions
- The course Writing Body Language and Dialogue Cues Like a Psychologist by Margie Lawson
- The website Descriptionari where you can find thousands of inspirations for fresh writing.
- The website The Idioms (don’t forget to write them fresh)
- The website Power Thesaurus, which lists synonyms not just for words but also for expressions like rolling hills.
88. How to Use Poetic Devices in Fiction
- The course Deep Editing, Rhetorical Devices, and More by Margie Lawson
- The book Techniques of the Selling Writer by Dwight V. Swain
- The course Writing Body Language and Dialogue Cues Like a Psychologist by Margie Lawson
- The website The Metaphor Observatory (don’t forget to write them fresh)
89. How to Highlight Important Words
- The webinar Where’s Your Spotlight? by Margie Lawson
- The webinar Power Words, Backloading, and Words that Steal Your Power by Margie Lawson
91. The Narrative Scene Building Block
- The book Deep Point of View by Marcy Kennedy
- The course Diving Deep into Deep POV by Rhay Christous
92. The Description Scene Building Block
- The video How to Write Descriptively by Nalo Hopkinson
- The book Descriptions by Marcy Kennedy
94. The Internalization SCENE Building Block
- The article Bodily Maps of Emotions by PNAS
- The course Visceral Rules, Beyond Hammering Hearts by Margie Lawson
95. The Dialogue SCENE Building Block
- The book Dialogue by Robert McKee
- The book Dialogue by Marcy Kennedy
- The book How to Write Dazzling Dialogue by James Scott Bell
- The video Writing Dialogue Before You Have a Story by Robert McKee
- The video How Can I Write Dialogue That Seems Natural? by Robert McKee
96. The Dialogue Tag SCENE Building Block
The course Writing Body Language and Dialogue Cues Like a Psychologist by Margie Lawson
98. How to Balancing & Spotlight Scene Building Blocks
The course Deep Editing, Rhetorical Devices, and More by Margie Lawson
99. How to Put Moods on the page
- The video The Difference Between Mood and Emotion by Robert McKee
video The Difference Between Mood and Emotion by Robert McKee
100. How to Use the Eight Crafts of Writing to Design Your Book Exterior
- The resource The Eight Crafts Genre Overview Picture
- The article Tips to Create a Bestselling Title by Margie Lawson
101. Your Opening Sells Your Book
- The free audio book The First Five Pages: A Writer’s Guide To Staying Out of the Rejection Pile by Noah Lukeman
- The course Deep Editing to Make your Openings Pop by Margie Lawson
- The video What distinguishes a Good and Bad Writer — a Big Think Interview With Robert McKee (time stamp 5:19)
- The article Opening Tropes by TVtropes
- The video How to Write a Strong First Line by Reedsy
103. What kind of writer are you?
- The resource The Eight Crafts Genre Overview Picture
105. How to Author a Story First and Then Write It
- The book Story by Robert McKee
- The book The Eight Crafts Revision Management
- The video Your Elusive Creative Genius by Elizabeth Gilbert
- The resource High Resolution Printable Story Mind Map
- The resource High Resolution Printable Story Engine
107. How to Use the Eight Crafts of Writing to Overcome the (Shapeshifting) Writer’s Block
- The book The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
- The book The Artist’s Journey by Steven Pressfield
- The book Running Down a Dream by Tim Grahl
- The video How Do I Get Over The Writer’s Block? by Robert McKee